Katie and Some Morning Fog

It’s no secret I love the fog. Recently, Kaite (@effkate) was in town from Oregon. She promised to bring some of that famous Pacific Northwest fog with her. So we met up at the butt crack of dawn and headed out in search of that space where the clouds meet the ground. Granted, first we had to stop at a local Starbucks for a) coffee and b) so I could deal with an emergency ileostomy bag leak (welcome to my crazy colon-less life). Now heavily caffeinated, and with a new ostomy bag in place, we set forth for one of my favorite local forests. Upon our arrival, the fog did not disappoint. Here are a few favorites from that morning. 

Side note: I get yelled at by a cop over his loudspeaker for going to slow (I really do love the fog, and I was accidentally driving about 2mph while looking at a foggy tree in the distance). 

Speaking of fog, have you picked up a copy of my new book of foggy photos, Head In The Clouds. It’ available in hardcover, softcover, and digital/ebook editions: Order Here!

Are you looking to work with me? You can reach me by clicking here.
Are you looking to buy some prints, or perhaps a book of foggy photos? You can do that by clicking here.

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