
Posts tagged with chasing-fog

  1. Mirelle and Fog Part One

    Here is part one of some recent foggy favorites with Mirelle Herrey (IG: @mirelleherrey). We had only planned on staying in the forest a short while that day, but the fog was SO DAMN GLORIUS! So, with so many photos, I’ve split this into a two-part blog post. Part two…

  2. Astraia and Some Morning Fog

    This may not come as great shock to some of you: I love fog. I love driving it, walking in, photographing in it, and just generally existing in it.  I’m also learning to love sunny desert scenes, but this post is about fog. Fortunately, Astraia Esprit also loves fog. So…

  3. Katie and Some Morning Fog

    It’s no secret I love the fog. Recently, Kaite (@effkate) was in town from Oregon. She promised to bring some of that famous Pacific Northwest fog with her. So we met up at the butt crack of dawn and headed out in search of that space where the clouds meet…

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